Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blue and speckled wares

Here are some of my latest bits and pieces

I highlighted the etching with black underglaze on the outside and it remains unglazed. Black gloss inner.
Number 1

This one was made as above with a speckled inner.
Number 2

Studs holder with blue gloss inner and speckled outer
Number 3 
Wide and low pinch pot with black glaze
Number 4

Flags pinch pot
Number 5

I scratched in the pattern when it was leather-hard, after the bisque firing I rubbed in some black underglaze and clear-glazed over it.  Speckled Oyster glaze outer
Number 6

Tatting plate 
Number 7

Stoneware cup with a Chun glaze
Number 8

Stoneware keyholder with a Chun glaze
Number 9

Kim Foale Mentorship

Hello my friendly Blog Watchers!  Over the past month I have started a summer mentorship with talented Hobart ceramicist and president of the Tasmanian Ceramics Association Kim Foale.  She is an inspirational force of nature and I'm very lucky to be soaking up her knowledge, insights and process. 

To take you along on my ceramics journey, I thought I'd show you some of the things we looked at this week:

Scraffito (work by Adriana Christianson)Scratching into leatherhard greenware coated in underglaze (the red is underglaze hand painting)

Unglazed finish (Road-kill Quoll by Eve Howard)

"The Scarlet Slip" and how it takes differently to stoneware and Porcelain (cups by Kim Foale)

Woodfiring (Work by Lise Edwards)

Painting onto stoneware with porcelain slip and iron oxide unglazed and clear-glazed (Kim Foale)

Experimenting using slip dots to make feet (Kim Foale)


Kim's favourite piece of driftwood pattern-maker

A skull of approval will be stamped into all the work Kim is happy with

Some Greenware awaiting the Kiln

Kim is a prolific social media commentator and uses her ceramic work to explore political and philosophical themes.  For her pattern-making she uses plastic gathered from the bellies of seabirds.  Her “Ten Women on Twitter Bowls” immortalised tweets in response to Julia Gillard’s misogyny speech.  She also talked to me about her interest in the concept of creating something permanent from something as impermanent as a tweet.  These ceramic tampons were created in response to the humiliating conditions of women held in Australian detention centers who are forced to ask for sanitary products which are only offered a few at a time by guards.

Kim is great and I eagerly look forward to all the time I share with her.  Much more making in the makings!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

  Earthenware Hanging Planter

Earthenware Pinch-pot Sugar bowl 
Clear Glaze

  Earthenware Pinch Pot Spice Bowl 

Earthenware Pinched Spoon-nook bowl

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Scout's Last Minute Christmas Wares (please call or txt Molly to purchase)

Earthenware Salt and Pepper cradles 


Earthenware Bisqued succulent Planter  
(made to order $35)

Soneware Pierced Planter
clear glaze
(can be threaded for hanging)

Stoneware Succulent Planter
blue gloss glaze

Earthenware Wide and Low Saltflake Cradle 

Pinched Earthenware Fruit/salad Bowl
clear glaze

Earthenware Tealight with Flags

Tiny Rocksalt Cradle 

SunandMoon Tealight Holder 


Earthenware Lace Serving Dish
white glaze